San Fernando

Fast and simple flower delivery service in Trinidad and Tobago. Few clicks and we send flowers to San Fernando same day! Please make sure to order on time. Local florists will deliver beautiful flower arrangements, bouquets, gift baskets to your beloved in San Fernando as well as any destination in Trinidad and Tobago!

Trust us delivering your feelings to San Fernando. Direct florists deliver flowers by hand right to the recipient's destination. 

San Fernando is the larger of Trinidad and Tobago's two cities and the second largest municipality after Chaguanas. The motto of San Fernando is: "Sanitas Fortis" - In a Healthy Environment We Will Find Strength. Many local Trinidadians refer to the city with the shortened name "Sando." San Fernando is called Trinidad and Tobago's "industrial capital" because of its proximity to the Pointe-a-Pierre oil refinery and many other petrochemical, LNG, iron and steel and aluminium smelters in places such as Point Lisas, Point Fortin, and La Brea.